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Race Rules

-Races are head to head though a "port triangle" course. Racers will have to round 3 buoys to the port side of their sailboats. 

-This is no contact racing. Any race boats that touch or collide with each other or race buoys will have to complete a 270 degree penalty turn.

-Raceboats will follow navigation rules,(port, overtaking & windward shall give way) 

- Any sailboats over the start line before the start time will have to complete a 270 degree penalty turn.


Start sequence:

3 minute to start countdown. There will be a horn at 3 minutes to start, 2 minutes to start, 1 minute to start, and 30 seconds to start and a long horn at start. This will be broadcast on the VHF which each boat will have. Racers goals are to get as close to the start line before the 3 minutes are up without going over.

Our fleet of 4 Catalina 22 sailboats race head to head in a small triangle buoyed course. 2-3 short 10-15min races then participants switch so everyone can share in the experience. The race course is centered around the committee/viewing boat. There is a 4 participant per boat maximum for racing and a Sail Montauk instructor onboard. (12 racers and 4 instructors at any one time) We recommend 2-3 racers per boat for optimal 



A 51' committee/viewing boat (32 passenger capacity) will be anchored at the start/finish line where the rest of the group can watch the racing while 8-16 race participants sail. Halfway through we switch, so the rest of the group can sail. All 4 race boats can raft up along the 51' committee boat to swap participants. This is a great time for snacks and refreshments with a little smack talk. In our experience, not everyone will want to participate in racing and will be happy observing from the viewing boat. At the end of the second set of races the sailboats will raft up again to let off participants so the whole group can unite and spend the rest of the time celebrating their sailing experience.


On board experience:

No experience is required. Each boat has a Sail Montauk captain/instructor that will give instructions to the racers.

Each participant will work together to make their boat work fast and efficiently to complete the triangle course before their opponents. Tasks and positions will be assigned to the race participants and they can rotate throughout the race. Instructors will explain how to maneuver the boats by tacking and jibing or heading up and falling off. Participants will have to control the sail trim, keep time and execute tacking and jibing procedures.


*Contact for pricing and booking. 631-522-5183

Regatta Race Day
How it Works:
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