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Sail Montauk Opening Day 2016

(opening day 2016)

After Sunset Sails and visiting Swallow East to catch a little bit of the music festival, I remembered that we've officially been open for 1 week! What a week it's been! I've already met some wonderful people, which is probably one of the best perks of this job.

I've discovered that it takes a different type of person to go sailing. Someone who likes adventure and nature. Someone who enjoys new experiences and loves the world around them. As you can imagine, this means most of the people I get on the boats are inspiring to be around.

A couple celebrating their 25th anniversary, an Aunt showing her neice and nephew that she can sail(she most definitely can), friends taking a road trip(we raced another sailboat next to us), bachelorettes(who beat us in the race) and so many other wonderful people this week.

I think 2016 is going to be a great summer.

(We thought we were winning... we didn't. Don't celebrate too early!)

(A friend took a photo of the Aunt and her neice & nephew sailing. She has a great view)

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